Monday, October 26, 2009

Veterans of Foreign Wars Essay

Veteran—by definition, a veteran is an experienced person who has been through many battles; someone who has given long service. To many people, veterans may be a grandfather, their uncle, their older brother, or a family friend; a person who has fought for our country to keep us safe. We should not have only one or two holidays honoring these heroes, but instead have every day as a day to celebrate and honor veterans for all of the service they have done for the United States.

Did you know that many people you know may be veterans? They’re everywhere—you’re teacher, your next door neighbor, someone you see often . At one point in time, they left their families and their loved ones to go halfway across the world to serve our country, leaving all that they knew to go make the United States a better and safer place. Having only one day to honor them seems unfair, when they should be celebrated all of the time. Why shouldn’t we honor veterans every single day? They risk their lives for us every day, and we should celebrate that always. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a big ordeal, but we should at the very least show them that we appreciate all of their hard work. They deserve the respect and support, no matter what the time, we should always honor our military heroes.

Many people have different opinions on this subject. Some believe veterans should only be honored on veterans day, others say all the time. No matter the opinion, everyone knows that veterans should be honored. Instead of having only one or two holidays honoring our heroes, we should have every day as a day to celebrate and honor all of the service veterans have done for the United States.


  1. This is a really good essay. It's really good how you have the opinion that they should be honored every day. If their was one thing to change you could just back up your opinion a little more.

  2. I like your thesis. It is strong and good one for supporting evidence. Sometimes you don't stay with the right pronoun, like in your first paragraph. You should say "a grandfather, brother,etc." instead of "their grandfather, brother, etc," then say "their" instead of "us." You also may overuse saying "every day." Maybe try "always" or something.
